(In the order they are to be taught)
KATAS: LONG 1 (Right (A) and Left (B) sides; Finger Set 1; Coordination Set 1
(rear stiff arm left hand lapel grab)
1. Have your left foot step back and to your right on a slight 45 degree angle (toward 4:30) into a left rear
twist stance.
2. Pivot to your left (into a left forward bow) while simultaneously delivering a left vertical outward block
to outside of opponent's left arm with a right inward horizontal elbow strike to outside portion of opponent's left ribcage.
3. Settle and pivot to your right (into a horse stance facing 9:00) and deliver a left inward horizontal elbow
strike to inside portion of opponent's left ribcage or solar plexus as your right hand guards to the left of your face, always
making sure that your right hand keeps a safe distance from your head in order to check any blow that might be directed to
your head.
(front left hand chest push)
1. Standing with feet together, drop back with your left foot (to 6:00) into a right neutral bow as you simultaneously
execute a right inward horizontal heel palm strike to outside of opponent's left elbow joint, while simultaneously executing
a left inward horizontal heel palm strike to inside of opponent's left inner wrist (utilizing opposing forces) to cause an
elbow break.
2. Have your right hand (while forming the shape of the crane) hook opponent's left arm counter clockwise and
out (to your right) while simultaneously executing a left thrusting hand sword (palm down) directly to the throat of your
opponent; Without any loss of motion continue the counter clockwise motion of your right hand so that the knuckles of that
hand execute an inward diagonal rake across the bridge of opponent's nose in order to cause a break, this is done as you shuffle
forward with a push drag maneuver.
3. Continue the same counter clockwise motion of your right arm and execute a right inward horizontal elbow
strike to opponent's left jaw as your left heel of palm strikes to opponent's right jaw thus creating a sandwiching effect.
(front step through right punch)
1. With feet together, hop to your left (to 10:00) into a right one leg (crane) stance with your right foot
cocked to the inside portion of your left knee as your left hand parries inward and your right middle knuckle fist rakes horizontally
(toward yourself), striking your opponent's right ribs in the process, if possible. End the move of your right hand by having
it cock horizontally across your waist with your right fist clenched, palm up, and to the side of your left hip.
2. Deliver a right snapping knife-edge kick to outside of opponent's right knee to buckle him (in and toward
3. As you plant your right foot (toward 2:00) between opponent's legs, deliver a right back knuckle to opponent's
left kidney, utilizing Gravitational Marriage.
4. Immediately deliver a right inward elbow strike (shuffling forward if needed) to opponent's head as your
left heel palm strikes to opposite side of opponent's head, causing a sandwiching effect.
(front roundhouse right kick)
1. Standing in a right neutral bow (fighting stance), slide your left foot counterclockwise to 4:30 and strike
with a right inward block simultaneously with a left downward block (universal block) against opponent's kicking right leg
preferably at the knee.
2. Shuffle (push drag) toward 11:00 as you deliver a right downward hammer fist to opponent's groin. (You're
still in a right neutral bow with your left hand checking high.)
3. Again shift your left foot counterclockwise to 2:00 as you deliver a right obscure elbow strike to opponent's
(rear bear hug - arms pinned)
1. With feet together, step to your left with your left foot (to 9:00) into a training horse. Simultaneously
strike to opponent's groin with your right back hammer fist as your left hand pins opponent's left arm.
2. Have your right foot meet your left foot (forming a close cat stance) and then around and behind opponent's
left leg (4:30) into a right reverse bow. Simultaneously strike opponent's groin with a right heel palm; then grab opponent's
testicles with a right squeezing claw.
3. Pivot into a right neutral bow (facing 4:30) as your right arm follows the contour of your opponent's body
and your right elbow strikes up to his chin.
4. Complete your pivot (facing 4:30) into a right forward bow as you deliver a left heel palm strike to left
floating ribs of opponent.
(flank finger lock)
1. With your right fingers twisted by your opponent's left hand, raise your right hand high (toward 11:00) to
relieve the pressure (have your left hand raise and check opponent's right hand in the process) as you move your right foot
to your left (toward 10:00).
2. While in place, pivot counter clockwise and deliver a left back elbow (from last checking position) to opponent's
left kidney while in a left reverse neutral bow.
3. Immediately pivot clockwise into a horse and deliver a right back elbow to opponent's left ribcage as your
left hand guards to the right of your face.
(front right overhead club)
1. Standing naturally with feet together, have your left foot move to 10:00 into a left forward bow stance.
2. As your right extended outward blocks and grabs outside of opponent's right wrist, immediately deliver a
right roundhouse kick to opponent's groin. (Left hand checking at chest.)
3. Plant your right foot (toward 1:00) into a right neutral bow as your right hand pulls opponent's right wrist
down and past your right hip and your left hand punches to opponent's right ribs. This is done as you pivot into a right forward
4. Deliver a left knee kick to outside of opponent's right thigh.
5. Immediately spring and pivot counter clockwise and drop (utilizing marriage of gravity) into a left close
kneel thus breaking opponent's right knee or ankle
(front tackle)
1. Standing with feet together, shift off line sliding your left foot to 4:30 (into a right front twist) as
you execute a left front heel palm thrust to the left clavicle (or side of neck) and a right outside downward parry to the
inside of the opponent's left arm.
2. Rotate counterclockwise into a right neutral bow facing 1030 as your left hand continues to circle and
delivers a right overhead downward hand sword to opponent's neck, as your left hand checks the opponent's left
3. Immediately (dropping into a right 45 degree cat stance in the transition) deliver a right snapping ball
kick to opponent's left ribcage, kicking toward 9:00.
4. Plant your right foot slightly forward (between 8:00 and 9:00) and deliver a left snapping ball kick to left
jaw of opponent, kicking toward 8:00.
(front two hand push)
1. With feet together, drop back (to 6:00) with your right foot into a left neutral bow as both of your hands
execute outward hand sword strikes out (like two extended outward blocks, (by utilizing hand swords) to inside
of opponent's wrists (forcing opponent's arms out). Make sure that both hands are parallel in height as well as in depth.
2. Shift (in place) into a left forward bow as your right hand executes an inward hand sword to opponent's left
ribcage (palm up) simultaneously cocking your left hand to the right of your face (palm toward you).
3. Shift back (in place) into a left neutral bow as you deliver a left outward hand sword to opponent's throat
(palm down); cocking your right clenched fist to your right hip.
4. Again shift (in place) into a left forward bow as you drop your left arm horizontally (with palm still facing
down) and shoot a right middle knuckle fist (over your left arm) to opponent's solar plexus.
(front straight right punch)
1. Standing naturally with feet together, step to your left on a 45 degree angle (to 11:00) with your left foot
into a left neutral bow as you strike with a left inward block to outside of opponent's right arm (preferably at or above
the elbow) and cock your right arm parallel to your right thigh as it hangs naturally to the side.
2. Shuffle forward (push drag) toward 12:00 as you drop into a left wide kneel stance (to outside of opponent's
right knee so as to have opponent buckle and drop) and strike horizontally across your opponent's stomach with your right
inward horizontal forearm strike while cocking your left arm (your left hand at this point is cocked by your left ear with
your palm facing away from you).
3. Strike down to opponent's left kidney with a left downward hammer fist as your right arm checks opponent's
right arm. You should be in a right close kneel stance facing 4:00.
4. Have your left hand shift from the kidney into a horizontal forearm check outside of opponent's right arm
as your right arm cocks to your right ear. You should still be in a right close kneel stance facing 4:00.
5. Pivot to your left (toward 1:00) into a left close kneel stance as you deliver a right downward hammer fist
to back of opponent's neck; your left hand at this point is still checking action of opponent's right arm (left pushdown check).
6. Shift your left foot back and slightly to your left (between 7:00 and 8:00) into a right neutral bow and
do a right looping back knuckle strike to opponent's left temple. Shuffle toward 2:00 with a right upward heel palm and claw
to opponent's face.
7. Cat stance back from opponent with clawing hand anchored on chin and check opponent's right shoulder down
as you utilize returning motion to retract the claw.
(rear bear hug - arms pinned)
1. With your feet together and opponent applying hug, move your left foot back to 5:00 (into a neutral
bow with your eyes focused straight ahead), simultaneously have your left hand grab and squeeze opponent's testicles
as your right hand grabs and checks opponent's arms.
2. Immediately step forward with your left foot to 2:00 into a left neutral bow and deliver a right rear scoop
kick to opponent's groin.
3. With your right leg still in the air deliver a right stiff leg stomp to 7:30 to buckle or break opponent's
left leg from the inside of opponent's left knee with the inner portion of your right knee (right reverse bow stance.) Simultaneously
deliver a right obscure back elbow (palm down) to opponent's jaw while looking over your right shoulder and as your left hand
checks low.
(rear two hand choke - arms bent)
1. With feet together, have your left foot step forward and to your right on a 45 degree angle (2:00) into a
left neutral bow as your right arm cocks horizontally across your waist.
2. Pivot clockwise (turning toward 8:00) as you circle your right elbow over and down (right outward overhead
elbow) onto the right arm of your opponent to hurt and pin that arm. Complete the pivot into a right forward bow (facing 8:00)
while delivering a left four finger thrust to opponent's eyes.
3. Pivot in place to your left into a horse as you deliver a right upward elbow strike to opponent's chin. Your
left hand should be guarding close to your right ribs.
4. Pivot again to your left (toward 2:00) into a right reverse bow as you strike with a right back downward
hammer fist to opponent's groin with your left hand guarding.
(front right roundhouse club)
1. With feet together, step slightly forward and to your left with your right foot (to 12:00) as your opponent
steps through with his right foot, delivering a right roundhouse club attack.
2. As you step in, execute a left outward extended block to inside of opponent's right wrist. Simultaneously
deliver a right vertical punch to opponent's jaw or face (Lock-out check.)
3. Immediately pivot into a right forward bow (facing 12:00). Check opponent's right arm down with a right inward
parry, as your left vertical fist shoots over your right arm striking to opponent's solar plexus or ribcage.
4. Drop back (in place) into a right neutral bow as you deliver a right horizontal back knuckle to opponent's
right floating ribs (utilizing counter-rotation) while having your left hand execute a left extended outward hand sword or
left hooking check (palm up) can also act as a parry aside from being a check.
(front two hand wrist grab)
1. With feet together and opponent's hands grabbing your right wrist, step forward (toward 12:00) and in front
of opponent's right leg with your left foot (left neutral bow) as your right hand counter grabs opponent's right wrist from
below, and execute a compound strike with your left forearm is used as a thrusting inward strike before converting to a left
vertical punch to opponent's face.
2. Drop your left arm down (while still in place) and horizontally across opponent's arms as you pull your right
hand out of your opponent's grasp, chambering it at your right hip, and immediately strike with your right fist vertically
to opponent's solar plexus while shifting (in place) into a left forward bow.
3. Simultaneously move your right foot up and alongside of your left foot into a right close cat stance as your
left hand delivers an outward hand sword (palm down) to opponent's throat (while your right hand checks low).
4. Without hesitation step through into a right neutral bow between 11:00 and 12:00 with your right
foot; stepping inside of and through opponent's right knee in order to buckle as you deliver a right heel palm
thrust to opponent's jaw and check with your left hand.
(front two hand low push)
1. With feet together, drop back with your left foot (to 6:00) into a right neutral bow and execute double outward
hooks (shape of the crane) using both of your hands to the inside of opponent's wrists (your wrists are outside of opponent's
wrists) as you draw your right foot back into a right cat stance.
2. Deliver a right front snapping ball kick to opponent's groin.
3. Plant your right foot (to 12:00) simultaneously looping your right hand so that your right hammer fist strikes
diagonally to opponent's left jaw hinge. Continue a figure eight pattern and right back knuckle to opponent's right jaw hinge.
4. Follow-up with a right upward elbow strike to opponent's chin as your left hand guards your right ribcage,
shuffling forward if necessary.
5. As your right elbow descends, deliver a right downward heel palm and claw to opponent's face starting at
the bridge of his nose as your left hand covers low.
(front straight left punch)
1. Standing with feet together, step forward and to your right on a 45 degree angle (toward 2:00) with your
right foot (into a right forward bow) as you deliver a left extended outward block to outside of opponent's left step through
punch. Have your right hand sword cocked to the right side of your right ear, palm out.
2. Immediately pivot to your left (into a horse) as you strike inward to opponent's left neck with your right
hand sword (follow through with the hand swords so that the right palm of that hand faces up.)
3. Shift in place into a right forward bow as you deliver a left inward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's
left ribcage and have your right hand check (bracing angle check) opponent's left arm at his elbow.
4. Shift your left foot counterclockwise to 4:00 (into a right front twist stance) as your left hand hooks out
and down at opponent's left forearm.
5. While pivoting counterclockwise out of the twist stance execute a right hammer fist strike to opponent's
left kidney. Immediately follow-up with a right looping roundhouse kick to back of opponent's left knee to buckle.
(front hand shake)
1. With feet together and opponent squeezing your right hand with his right, step forward and to your left (to
11:00) with your left foot (left neutral bow) to outside of opponent's right leg but hugging and checking opponent's leg with
your left leg. Simultaneously deliver a strike to opponent's groin with his and your right hand with your left hand assisting
you by thrusting down on opponent's right forearm.
2. Shift your left hand around and back of opponent's right leg and grab opponent's right wrist as your right
foot shifts clockwise to 10:00 (into a left neutral bow). Immediately pull up with your left hand and
push down against opponent's right hip with your right hand to put pressure on opponent's testicles as well
as limit opponent's leverage, (suppressing check) limiting his ability to kick.
3. Immediately deliver a right step through knife-edge kick to the back of your opponent's right knee while
releasing your left hand grasp.
4. Without any hesitation plant your right kicking foot along side of your left foot and deliver a left knee
kick to opponent's tail bone.
(front wrist lock - against chest)
1. With opponent pinning your right hand against his chest and with your feet parallel to each other, step forward
(to 12:00) with your right foot (right neutral bow) and use a right vertical elbow strike down to opponent's solar plexus
or groin, depending on the height of the opponent.
2. With your left hand still guarding diagonally, drop down into a right wide kneel (keeping your back erect)
as your right hand claws down, raking opponent's testicles with a right heel palm claw.
3. Reverse the motion, Immediately following up with a right underhand reverse hand sword to opponent's groin.
4. Immediately deliver a right outward back fist to opponent's left inner knee followed with a hooking knuckle
punch to opponent's right inner knee.
(front right overhead club)
1. With feet together, have your left foot step slightly forward and to your left on a 45 degree angle (first
moving toward 11:00 but ending facing 1:00 in a horse) as you cross your right wrist over your left (X Block) block opponent's
attacking hand at his right wrist at a level above your head and off of your right shoulder. (Opponent steps through with
his right foot when attacking.)
2. With your right hand, grab opponent's right wrist as your left foot steps forward to 2:00 (catting around
the leg if necessary) into a left neutral bow. Simultaneously strike opponent's right elbow with your left
forearm by first thrusting vertically and then horizontally forcing opponent's right arm down while your right
hand pulls in toward and past your right hip.
3. Continue to push down and pull opponent's arm to your right; forcing opponent's head down.
4. Immediately deliver a snapping right knee kick to opponent's head or chest. This is done without raising
the body.
5. Replant your right foot to point of origin.
(front two hand lapel grab - push out)
1. With feet together, drop back (to 6:00) with your left foot (into a right neutral bow) your left arm pins
your opponent's arms while simultaneously delivering a right upward forearm against opponent's elbow joints.
2. Immediately shift your left foot counterclockwise to 4:30 as you cock and deliver a right outward back knuckle
strike to opponent's floating ribs.
3. Follow-up with a right downward inward forearm strike to the tops of both arms of opponent, striking them
diagonally and down to the left.
4. Deliver a right outward hand sword to opponent's throat.
(front straight step through right punch)
1. Standing naturally with feet together, step to your left on a 45 degree angle with your left foot (to
11:00) into a left neutral bow as you strike with a left inward block to outside of opponent's right arm (preferably
at or above the elbow) and cock your right arm parallel to your right thigh (right arm is hanging naturally to the side).
2. Pivot (in place) into a left forward bow as you deliver a right inward upward diagonal inner wrist strike
to opponent's left side of neck. Your left hand is checking opponent's right arm (bracing angle check).
3. Immediately step around and back of opponent's right leg (catting around and back in the process) with your
right leg (into a modified horse stance) and have your left hand grab your right wrist from back of opponent's neck to apply
pressure that would put your opponent to sleep.
4. Pivot toward 10:00 into a left forward bow and immediately shift your left foot back to 4:00 while forcing
your opponent to the ground as you follow-up with a right vertical punch to opponent's face simultaneously with a right knee
drop (left close kneel) to opponent's right ribs. Your left hand is pushing down on your opponent's right arm. At this point
the head of your opponent should be facing between 5:00 and 6:00.
(rear bear hug - arms free)
1. With feet together, step to your right with your right foot (to 3:00) into a horse as your right and left
middle fingers strike to the back of opponent's top hand or hands (depending on the type of grab) immediately dropping both
elbows to pin opponent's arms. Without hesitation follow-up by grabbing opponent's right hand with your right hand and left
hand with thumbs on top and fingers inside of opponent's palm.
2. Have your left foot step forward to 1:30 (while starting a clockwise wrist twist; with your right elbow still
pinning); continue stepping with your right foot toward 1:30 (into a left neutral bow facing 7:30) as both of your hands continue
to twist opponent's right wrist clockwise, establishing a wrist lock (contact manipulation.)
3. Deliver a right front snapping ball kick to the opponent's right side, of while guiding opponent's right
arm past your right hip and still maintaining the wrist lock.
4. As you plant your right foot forward (into a right neutral bow facing 7:30) have your left hand check your
opponent's right elbow by pushing it down and out of the way past the right hip as you deliver a right upward lifting back
knuckle strike, to opponent's face or temple (depending upon how the head is positioned).
(rear two hand choke)
1. With feet together and opponent choking you from the rear with both of his hands, step to your left (to
9:00) into a horse stance as you grab both of opponent's wrists with both of your hands.
2. Rotate clockwise into a right 45 degree cat stance as your right foot shifts towards your left, applying
excruciating pressure to opponent's left thumb for a possible break.
3. Continue to move your right foot back to 8:00 (through a twist stance into a left neutral bow) as your left
hand crosses your opponent's left arm over his own right arm. At this point, your left arm pushes forward as your right pulls
in and toward you.
4. Deliver a right front snap ball kick to the inside of opponent's right knee cap.
5. As you plant your right foot forward, after the kick, toward 2:00, pull in with your left arm as you push
out with your right arm to cause opponent to break his left elbow with his own right arm. (Make sure that in the process your
right hand executes the above mentioned action similar to a right vertical back knuckle thrust.)
(hammer lock)
1. With feet together and opponent locking your right arm, step back and to your right to 5:00 with your left
foot (on the ball of your left foot) into a modified right neutral bow as your right hand counter grabs your opponent's right
wrist using this stance as a transition only.
2. Without any hesitation pivot your entire body counterclockwise into a left neutral bow (or horse stance depending
on circumstances) as you attempt to deliver a left outward elbow strike to opponent's face which is blocked.
3. Immediately have your left foot step forward to 2:00 (into a right reverse cat stance) as your right arm
straightens and continues to grab opponent's right wrist; pulling in so that the principle of opposing forces is employed.
4. From your right reverse cat, deliver a right thrusting back heel kick, using mainly the bottom of the heel
to opponent's right ribcage
5. Plant into a right neutral bow (facing 7:30) as you manipulate your opponent's right arm clockwise with the
assistance of your right hand.
6. Follow-up with a left knife edge kick to opponent's left inner knee.
7. Without planting your left foot, have it cross in front of your right foot (into a left front twist stance)
2:00. As you settle into the twist stance execute a left heel palm strike (fingers pointing toward opponent)
and assisted by the right hand rotating the opponent's elbow to point up, extending the arm and pulling up, to break back
of opponent's right elbow.