1. Salutation
2. Meditation stance
3. Left leg back into a RNB while executing a right inward block with a left back elbow then move
into a RFB and a left straight thrust punch
4. Right leg back into a LNB while executing a left inward block with a right back elbow then into
a LFB and a right straight punch
5. Left leg to 9:00, pivot to your left into a LNB with a left outward block and a right back elbow
then into a LFB and a right straight thrust punch
6. Left leg back into a RNB with a right outward block and a left back elbow then into a RFB and
a left straight thrust punch
7. Step right leg back to 11:00 as you pivot to the left facing 9:00 into a horse stance with a
left outward elbow then pivot left to face 6:00 into a LNB with a left upward block and a right back elbow then into a LFB
with a right straight thrust punch
8. Left leg back into a RNB with a right upward elbow and a left back elbow then into a RFB with
a left straight thrust punch
9. Right leg then steps to 3:00 as you pivot to the right into a RNB with a right downward block
and a left back elbow then into a RFB with a left straight thrust punch
10. Right leg back into a LNB with a left downward block and a right back elbow then into a LFB
with a right straight thrust punch
11. Remaining in a LNB execute; left then right then left inward blocks
12. Left leg back into a RNB and execute right then left then right inward blocks… then step
your left leg to 9:00 and pivot to your right to face 3:00 into a RNB then execute right then left then right outward blocks
13. Right leg back into a LNB then execute left then right then left outward blocks
14. Step left leg to 2:00 as you pivot to your right into a RNB facing 6:00 then execute right
then left then right upward blocks
15. Right leg back into a LNB as you execute left then right then left upward blocks…then
move your right leg to 3:00 as you pivot towards 9:00 into a LNB as you execute left then right then left downward blocks
16. Left leg back into a RNB as you execute right then left then right downward blocks
17. Left leg forward into a horse stance as you execute left then right then left downward blocks
(palm down)
18. Next execute right then left then right downward blocks (palm up)
19. Next execute left then right then left pushdown blocks
20. Then right then left straight thrust punches
21. Continue with right then left 45 degree straight thrust punches
22. Follow with right then left 90 degree straight thrust punches and then right and left uppercuts
23. Meditation stance
24. Closing salutation