Fists Of Fury - Inside Defense against a Right Straight or Roundhouse Punch
1. Step back into a right neutral bow while executing a double inward block (left hand blocking/striking the forearm/radial
nerve, right hand blocking/striking the bicep), then immediately circling the right hand into a back-knuckle to the attacker's
right temple.
2. Shift into a right lunge stance while executing a left hand fore-knuckle strike to the attacker's right temple, at the
same time pulling the right hand back, chambering it above your right hip, in preparation for the next strike.
3. Shift back into a right neutral bow while executing a right hand uppercut to the attacker's solar plexus (while your
left hand/arm should cross over the top of your right arm in preparation for the next strike).
4. Step your left foot back behind your right, moving up the circle, as you execute a left back-knuckle to the attacker's
left temple, at the same time pulling your right hand back (toward your right ear) in preparation for the next strike.
5. Pivot into a right cross stance or RNB while executing a right fore-knuckle strike to the attacker's left temple.
Gathering The Dragon - Outside Defense against a Left Punch
1. Step forward into a right cross stance (heel-toe alignment) while doing a double parry (right inward, left outward)
then flowing into a right back-knuckle strike to the attacker's ribs while your left hand executes a waiter parry/check (keep
the check at or above the attacker's right elbow).
2. Move into a right rear cross over step (left foot crosses behind your right) while executing a left heel-palm claw to
the attacker's face.
3. Step back with your right leg into a reverse bow creating a buckle to the attacker's left leg while hooking the attacker's
left arm with a left crane hand and pulling the arm back across your stomach (which could be an arm break), at the same time
executing a right forearm strike to the back of the head.
Bolo - Inside Defense against a Right Roundhouse or Straight Punch
1. Step back into a left cat stance while executing a left extended outward block. Immediately follow up with a left ball
kick to the attacker's groin.
2. Plant forward into a left lunge stance while executing a right Bolo Punch (lifting back knuckle) under the chin and
circle the right fist into a vertical punch to the solar plexus.
3. Execute a right thrust kick to the attacker's mid-section pushing them back
Up The Circle - Inside Defense against a Right Roundhouse Kick
1. From a right neutral bow, slide the left foot behind and across the right foot (going up the circle) while executing
a left downward block. Simultaneously execute a right vertical punch to the attacker's face.
2. Do a rear cross over with the left foot while circling a right hammer fist to the attacker's groin simultaneously execute
a left heel-palm claw to their face.
3. Step right leg though and into a reverse bow (buckling the attacker's right leg) while executing a right obscure elbow
to the attacker's chin.
Rolling Thunder - Sparring Technique : Low Ball Kick Fake to a High Roundhouse Kick
1. Start out in a left neutral bow. Then, fake a right ball kick to the groin; when the opponent reacts, immediately turn
the hip over and execute a right roundhouse to the face.
2. Set the right foot down next to your left foot, pivot and execute a left rear heel kick to the solar plexus.
3. Plant forward into a left neutral bow and execute a left vertical back knuckle to the attacker's face.
Twirling Fans - Inside Defense against Left and Right Straight Punch Combination
1. Step back left foot into a right cat stance and execute a left inward-right outward parry combination against the left
punch while executing a right ball kick to the attacker's groin.
2. Plant down into a right cat stance and parry the attacker's left punch with a right-left parry combination. As the left
hand parries, the right hand simultaneously drops into a hammer fist to the groin/bladder. Keep the left waiter check in place
while striking the groin.
3. Slide into a right neutral bow executing a left downward claw to the attacker's face then dropping the claw into a heel-palm
check while shooting through the loop with a right thrusting uppercut punch to the face.
Stinging Butterfly - Outside Defense against a Right Straight Punch or Jab
1. Step back into a right neutral bow and execute a left parry/right extended outward block combination (at or behind the
2. Execute a left stop kick/inverted stomp to the attacker's right knee (or just below it) immediately follow up with a
hopping in right roundhouse kick to their mid-section kicking with the shin (butterfly kick). The left stop kick/inverted
stomp will help propel you into the air for this next kick.
3. Plant forward into a right lunge stance and execute a right hand sword followed by a left hand sword to the back of
the neck.
4. The left hand sword rolls down into a pinning check while executing a right ridge hand to the attacker's throat/bridge of the nose depending on target accessibility. Pivot back into a right neutral bow while executing
the ridgehand.
Escaping Wings - Escape from the Arms Captured from Behind
1. As soon as you feel the grab, execute a head butt followed by a butt bunk while pulling (snaking) your arms up and out.
2. Take a slight adjustment step forward with your left foot and execute a right heel kick to the attacker's stomach or
solar plexus if possible..
3. Plant down towards the attacker and pivot into to a right neutral bow, facing the attacker, and execute a right back
knuckle to the face followed by a left vertical punch to the solar plexus while shifting into a right lunge stance.
Broken Lightning -Outside to Inside Defense against a Left Grab, Push or Punch
1. Step back to 6:00 into a right cat stance and execute an elbow hyperextension/break of the attackers left arm (striking
with a double heel palm strike &endash; left heel palm at the wrist, right heel palm at the elbow) while simultaneously
executing a right ball kick to the attacker's groin.
2. Hook your right hand into crane hand. Pull the attacker into you while guide-lining back up the arm with a left outward
hand-sword to the attacker's throat.
3. While coming forward into a right neutral bow release the crane hand arcing your right hand into a right middle finger
fist to the attacker's temple while checking the arm with the left hand.
4. Then, immediately step drag forward slightly while executing a right elbow/left heelpalm sandwich to the head.
5. Pivot into a right lunge stance executing a right upward heel-palm claw through the face while chopping through the
neck with a left hand-sword.
6. Pivot and drop back into a right neutral bow circling the right hand into a hammer-fist strike to the base of the skull.