The Hands remain open through the technique unless otherwise noted.
Begin from a meditating horse stance.
1. Step your right foot to 12 :00 into a right forward bow; your hands will be checking, right upward block
and left palm strike at medium height.
2. Shift into a right neutral bow, open hands checking.
3. Pull your right foot to a cat stance; your hands checking, the right in a push-down block to protect the
groin and the left checking by your face.
4. Lift your right leg into a right one legged stance, your hands will shift, the right checking underneath
your thigh to protect the groin and your left as an upward block.
5. Step your right foot behind your left into a twist stance and bring your hands to cross in front you at the
wrists, fingers pointing out.
6. Unwind into a left neutral bow, open hands checking.
7. Shift into a left wide kneel stance; hands checking, the left high and the right low to protect near the
8. Shift into a left close kneel stance; bring your hands to cross in front of you at the wrists, fingers pointing
9. Shift back into a left neutral bow, open hands checking..
10. Shift into a left reverse bow, the left hand circling to protect the groin from the rear while your right
hand shifts into an upward block.
11. Step your left foot to 4:30 into a front crossover going backwards as you execute a left overhead hand claw
[that circles and strikes]. Your right hand simply should drop into a check.
12. Unwind and cover so you are in a right neutral bow facing 12:00, open hands checking.
13. Step your left foot to 12:00 into a left forward bow, your hands checking; the left as an upward block and
the right as a palm heel strike to medium height.
14. Shift into a left neutral bow, open hands checking.
15. Pull your left foot to a cat stance; your hands checking, the left in a push-down block to protect the groin
and the right checking by your face.
16. Lift your left leg into a left one legged stance, your hands will shift, the left now checking underneath
your thigh to protect the groin and your right as an upward block.
17. Step your left foot behind your right into a twist stance and bring your hands to cross in front you at
the wrists, fingers pointing out.
18. Unwind into a right neutral bow, open hands checking.
19. Shift into a right wide kneel stance; hands checking, the right high and the left low to protect near the
20. Shift into a right close kneel stance; bring your hands to cross in front of you at the wrists, fingers
pointing out.
21. Shift back into a right neutral bow, open hands checking..
22. Shift into a right reverse bow, the right hand circling to protect the groin from the rear while your left
hand shifts into an upward block.
23. Step your right foot to 7:30 into a front crossover going backwards as you execute a right overhead hand
claw [that circles and strikes]. Your left hand simply should drop into a check.
24. Unwind and cover so you are in a left neutral bow facing 12:00, open hands checking.
25. Hop forward into a diamond stance facing 12:00, smashing your hands down as if to hit an attacker.
26. Shift into a concave stance. Pull up on your imaginary attacker's neck.
27. Shift into a closed kneel stance facing 3:00, driving your left knee into your attacker's back as you execute a palm strike to your attacker's head.
28. Shift into a closed kneel stance facing 9:00, driving your right knee into your attacker's back as you execute
a palm strike to your attacker's head.
29. Stand and execute a scooping right retarded ball kick to your attacker's head. Land in a front crossover,
[moving towards 9:00] and execute a right back hammer fist. Step out to 9:00 into a horse stance.
30. Execute a scooping left retarded ball kick to your attacker's head. Land in a front crossover, [moving towards
3:00] and execute a left back hammer fist. Step out to 3:00 into a horse stance.
31. Execute a right hand closed two finger spear (palm up) to your attacker's left eye. Rake it to the left
using only your wrist. Rotate your wrist so as you are now raking back to the right, with your palm down.
32. Execute a left hand closed two finger spear (palm up) to your attacker's right eye. Rake it to the right
using only your wrist. Rotate your wrist so as you are now raking back to the left, with your palm down.
33. Step to 7:30 into a left one legged stance, your left hand checking your head and your right hand checking
the groin from behind.
34. Step to 4:30 into a right one legged stance, your right hand checking your head and your left hand checking
the groin from behind.
35. Drop your left foot and settle into a training horse stance.