Horse Stance
Drop left leg back toward 6:00 to form a RNB while simultaneously executing a right inward block and a left
back elbow
Drop right leg back toward 6:00 into a LNB while simultaneously executing a left inward block and a right back
Cover to the left by moving your right leg forward towards 3:00 into a transitory LNB facing 9:00, while executing
a transitory right inward block, simultaneous with a left back elbow strike
Settle into your LNB facing 9:00 while executing a left vertical outward blocksimultaneous with a right back
elbow strike
Your left foot the slides back as you form a transition left 45 degree cat stance facing 9:00, while executing
a transition left inward block with your right elbow remaining in place
Continue to have your left leg travel backward towards 3:00 as you settle into a RNB facing 9:00 while executing
a right vertical outward block simultaneous with a left back elbow strike
Cover to your rear by moving your right foot forward to 9:00 into a transitory LNB facing 3:00, while executing
a transitory right inward block, while your left elbow remains in place
Settle into your LNB facing 3:00 while executing a left upward block simultaneous with a right back elbow
Have your left leg slide back as you form a transitory left 45 degree cat stance facing 3:00 while executing
a transitory left inward block with your right elbow remaining in place
Continue to have your left leg travel back towards 9:00 as you settle into a RNB facing 3:00 while executing
a right upward block with a left back elbow strike
Cover to your right by moving your left foot toward 12:00 into a transitory RNB facing 6:00 while cocking your
right arm horizontally across your waist palm up with the left arm slightly forward
Settle into your RNB facing
6:00 while executing a right downward block simultaneous with a left back elbow strike
Have your right foot slide back as you form a transitionary right 45 degree cat stance facing 6:00, while executing
a transitionary right inside downward block palm up with your left arm cocked howizontally across your waist, palm up
Continue to have your right foot travel back towards 12:00 as you settle into a LNB facing 6:00 while executing
a left downward block simultaneous with a right back elbow strike
Move your left foot clockwise into a horse stance facing 12:00 with your left open hand placed on your right
clenched fist
Horse Stance
Drop right leg back toward 6:00 to form a LNB while simultaneously executing a left inward block and a right
back elbow
Drop left leg back toward 6:00 into a RNB while simultaneously executing a right inward block and
a left back elbow
Cover to the right by moving your left leg forward towards 9:00 into a transitory RNB facing 9:00,
while executing a transitory left inward block, simultaneous with a right back elbow strike
Settle into your RNB facing 3:00 while executing a right vertical outward block simultaneous with a left
back elbow strike
Your roght foot the slides back as you form a transition right 45 degree cat stance facing 3:00, while
executing a transition right inward block with your left elbow remaining in place
Continue to have your right leg travel backward towards 9:00 as you settle into a LNB facing 3:00 while
executing a left vertical outward block simultaneous with a right back elbow strike
Cover to your rear by moving your left foot forward to 3:00 into a transitory RNB facing 9:00, while executing
a transitory left inward block, while your right elbow remains in place
Settle into your RNB facing 9:00 while executing a right upward block simultaneous with a left back
Have your right leg slide back as you form a transitory right 45 degree cat stance facing 9:00 while
executing a transitory right inward block with your left elbow remaining in place
Continue to have your right leg travel back towards 3:00 as you settle into a LNB facing 9:00 while executing
a left upward block with a right back elbow strike
Cover to your left by moving your right foot toward 12:00 into a transitory LNB facing 6:00 while
cocking your left arm horizontally across your waist palm up with the right arm slightly forward
Settle into your LNB facing 6:00 while executing a right downward blocksimultaneous with a left back elbow strike
Have your left foot slide back as you form a transitionary left 45 degree cat stance facing 6:00,
while executing a transitionary left inside downward block palm up with your right arm cocked howizontally across
your waist, palm up
Continue to have your left foot travel back towards 12:00 as you settle into a RNB facing 6:00 while executing
a right downward block simultaneous with a left back elbow strike
Move your right foot clockwise into a horse stance facing 12:00 with your left open hand placed on
your right clenched fist