(In the order they are to be taught)
KATAS: Long 2 (Right (A) and Left (B) sides; Short 3 Right (A) and Left (B) sides
OBSCURE CLAWS (flank left hand shoulder grab)
1 .Standing naturally and with opponent applying right shoulder grab, step back with your right foot to 6:00
(into a left neutral bow) as your right hand circles clockwise and claws (in a upward manner) to opponent's face. Follow-up
immediately with a left inward claw to opponent's face and then pin opponent's left hand.
2. Without hesitation, step forward with your right foot (toward 12:00 into a right front twist) and deliver
a right uppercut against the left elbow joint of opponent's left arm.
3. Step forward to 2:00 with your left foot and pivot to your right into a concave stance facing 5:00 as your
right back knuckle strikes the opponent's left ribs and continues to circle toward you into a right inverted back knuckle,
striking opponent's left mastoid in the same hooking motion. Simultaneously deliver a left inward horizontal heel of palm
thrust to opponent's solar plexus settling into a right forward bow.
4. After following through with your right hand, strike forward and horizontally with the same hand to your
opponent's sternum with a right inverted outward middle knuckle fist.
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 2:00.
ENCOUNTER WITH DANGER (front two hand push)
1. With feet together, opponent pushes and forces you to the ground onto your back toward 6:00.
2. While on your back and as your opponent proceeds to pounce on you, deliver a left vertical knifeedge kick
to opponent's groin toward 12:00. Immediately follow-up with a right knife-edge kick (as you flip your body to your left)
to opponent's jaw.
3. Plant your right foot to your left as you turn onto your stomach facing 6:00.
4. Bring your arms under your body and push yourself back as you deliver a left back thrust kick while you're
on your right knee; pushing yourself into the action.
5. While on your right knee, left front crossover and cover out twice toward 6:00.
CIRCLING DESTRUCTION (front step through left punch)
1. With feet together or while in a right neutral bow, move your right foot to 1:00 as you deliver a right inward
and left outward hooking parry (palm up) to outside of opponent's activated left punch. In the same motion, deliver a right
back knuckle strike to left ribcage of opponent.
2. Shift your left foot to 4:00 (into a right modified neutral bow) as your left hand heel palm and claws inward
to opponent's face immediately followed by a right hand sword to right neck of opponent as you settle into a right cat stance
toward 9:00.
3. Deliver a right front scoop kick to opponent's groin simultaneous wit a left outward heel of palm thrust
to opponent's back.
4. Plant your right foot in back of you (toward 4:00). Left front crossover and left reverse step through toward
DETOUR FROM DOOM (front right roundhouse kick)
1. While in a right neutral bow, quickly shift your left foot to 4:00. Simultaneously deliver a left downward
block to opponent's right leg with a right vertical fist to opponent's face. (At this point, you should be in a right 45 degree
cat stance).
2. From a right 45 degree cat stance, deliver a right snapping ball kick to opponent's groin.
3. Plant your right foot toward 10:00 into a right neutral bow as you simultaneously execute a left vertical
punch to opponent's solar plexus over you right arm as it checks opponent's arms down with a right horizontal forearm check.
4. Deliver a right back knuckle to opponent's stomach as your left foot shifts to 3:00 into a right neutral
5. Have your left hand hook downward on back of opponent's neck as you continue circling your right arm counter
clockwise and deliver a right hammer fist to the back of opponent's neck.
6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 3:00.
SQUATTING SACRIFICE (rear bear hug - arms free)
1. With opponent applying rear bear hug (arms free) and with feet together, step to your right (to 3:00) with
your right foot into a horse, as both of your elbows strike down to opponent's forearm, squat on opponent's right knee as
both of your hands then grab and pull on opponent's right ankle; the pulling and squatting could cause the knee to break.
2. Immediately twist opponent's right ankle counter clockwise as your right leg circles clockwise (preferably
raking across opponent's face in the process) and plants to 7:00 into a left close kneel stance while still facing 12:00.
3. Pivot (in place) into a right forward bow as you now face 6:00.
4. While still maintaining grab with your right hand, step forward with your left foot to 6:00 into a left close
kneel stance (parallel to opponent's body) and have your left hand grab opponent's left wrist.
5. Support your weight onto your left leg as you cock your right leg high to your waist.
6. Pull and jerk up with both of your arms as your right foot stomps to lower spine of opponent.
7. Right front crossover, sweeping in opponent's arm down and cover out twice toward 4:00.
ESCAPE FROM DEATH (right rear arm choke)
1. With choke being applied, immediately step to your right (to 3:00) with your right foot into a horse stance.
Turn your head to your left and tuck your chin against your chest as your right hand grabs and pulls down on opponent's right
wrist (anchoring right elbow). Simultaneously deliver a left back elbow to opponent's solar plexus. Follow-up with a left
hammer fist to groin.
2. Circle your left leg around and back of opponent's right leg toward 7:30 and immediately into a left close
kneel stance as your right hammer fist strikes to opponent's groin and your left hammer fist strikes to opponent's kidneys.
3. Circle your left hand over and under opponent's nose, forcing opponent's head back as you shift to a left
forward bow and deliver a right heel thrust to opponent's jaw. Conclude with a right knee kick to outside of opponent's right
4. Replant your right foot; left front crossover and cover out twice toward 1:30.
BRUSHING THE STORM (flank right overhead club)
1. With feet together and opponent attacking from your right side, step forward and to your right with your
right foot to 2:00 (opponent is attacking from 3:00 while you are facing 12:00). Simultaneously deliver a left inward parry
outside of opponent's right arm while striking to opponent's jaw with a right heel palm thrust (which will travel up striking
under and inside of opponent's right arm.)
2. Step forward with your left foot (left close kneel stance) to 2:00 as you strike to opponent's solar plexus
with your right elbow (striking vertically and down) and continue checking opponent's right arm with your left hand.
3. Pivot clockwise to your right (into a left neutral bow) facing 4:00 as you strike to opponent's groin with
a right heel of palm (hooking your right arm toward you). Simultaneously continue to apply your left hand check to opponent's
shoulder blade.
4. Drop your right foot back toward 10:00 into a left neutral bow as your right hand pulls opponent's right
leg (sliding your hand to his right knee cap and to levels below that point) toward you as your left hand pushes forward at
opponent's right shoulder blade or right hip.
5. While holding opponent's right leg with your right hand, deliver a left snapping instep kick to opponent's
6. Plant your left foot and deliver a right knife-edge kick to back of opponent's left knee thus buckling him
to the ground.
7. Right front crossover and over out twice toward 10:00.
MENACING TWIRL (left hand rear belt grab)
1. With back toward opponent and standing with feet together, step back and to your left with your right
foot to 8:00 (a rear twist stance) as you deliver a right downward outward block. (Have your left hand in checking
position near your solar plexus.)
2. Immediately pivot clockwise to 8:00 (now facing opponent) and deliver a left heel of palm thrust to opponent's
chin while shifting into a right forward bow.
3. Follow-up with a left knee kick to opponent's groin.
4. Plant your left foot (in place) and immediately deliver a right roundhouse knee kick to inside of opponent's
right thigh.
5. Have the right foot (from last position) stomp onto the right instep of opponent.
6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 2:00.
LEAP FROM DANGER (rear two hand push)
1. As opponent pushes you from the rear, take a forward roll on your right shoulder toward 12:00 and leap up
facing opponent at 6:00 while shuffling back into a left neutral bow fighting stance.
2. As your opponent proceeds to attack you, leap to your left to 4:00 and with your left foot and deliver a
right roundhouse kick to opponent's solar plexus. Plant you right foot toward 8:00.
3. Pivot counter clockwise and deliver a left thrusting back kick to opponent's right ribs (kicking toward 8:00).
4. Left front crossover and cover out twice toward 2:00.
CIRCLES OF PROTECTION (front step through overhead right punch)
1. With feet together, step to 11:00 with your left leg into a left forward bow. Simultaneously deliver a right
upward blocking parry (hand open) under and outside of opponent's right punch (your left hand is cocked to your waist).
2. Shift to your right, back into a left neutral bow, as you deliver a left upward ripping claw to block under
opponent's right arm from the inside in addition to clawing his face in the same motion. Your right (open hand)
is cocked high to the right side of your face.
3. Continue circling your right hand clockwise and execute a right underhand heel and claw strike to opponent's
groin as your left hand cocks on top of your right forearm.
4. Without any hesitation deliver a left back knuckle strike to opponent's face as your shuffle forward.
5. Left front crossover and cover out twice toward 6:00.
CIRCLE OF DOOM (front straight right kick)
1. While in a right neutral bow (facing 12:00) and your arms are to your side, pivot to your left into a right
reverse bow as you deliver a right inside downward (palm down) in and up against opponent's right kicking leg just behind
his right calf. Your left hand is in guard position at this point crossed over your right forearm. Continue circling your
right arm clockwise to execute a right outward extended block.
2. Force your opponent's right leg in a looping counter clockwise arc as you deliver a right rear stiff leg
kick up and under opponent's groin (if necessary drag your left foot in to assist you in gauging your distance),
striking the groin with the back of your right heel.
3. Plant your right foot (in place) and deliver a left hooking kick to your opponent's head.
4. Left front crossover without planting your kicking foot and cover out twice toward 6:00.
BROKEN GIFT (handshake)
1. With opponent squeezing your hand, step forward with your left foot to 1:00 as your left hand grabs
your opponent's right wrist (creating a fulcrum) and your left elbow and forearm strikes up and under opponent's
right elbow while your right arm pulls down, thus causing an elbow break.
2. Step back with your left foot to 7:00 into a right neutral bow as your right hand assists your left hand
in grabbing and twisting your opponent's right wrist clockwise and back past your left hip.
3. Retain left grab and deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to opponent's right temple.
4. Slide your left foot counter clockwise to 4:00 as you deliver a right inward elbow strike to left jaw of
opponent. Depending on the circumstance, a right downward diagonal forearm strike might be more appropriate.
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 4:00.
HEAVENLY ASCENT (front two hand choke - arms straight)
1. With feet together and opponent applying choke, step forward with your right foot to 12:00 as both of your
hands clasp together and execute a two arm upward wedge strike to inside of opponent's forearms to break the choke.
2. Pivot slightly (into a horse) and strike up and against opponent's chin with your right upward elbow.
3. Pivot back into a right neutral bow and deliver a right downward back knuckle strike to opponent's face.
4. Continue to pivot into a right forward bow as you execute a left inward overhead claw to opponent's nose
and eyes. Your right hand is checking at this point.
5. Utilizing quarter beat timing, deliver a right half fist (palm up) to opponent's throat as you pivot back
into a right neutral bow.
6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6:00.
CAPTURING THE STORM (front right overhead club)
1. With feet together, step forward and to your left with your left foot to 11:00 into a horse stance. Simultaneously
deliver a cross block (your right hand over your left) to the wrist of the attacking hand. At this point your cross block
should be angled off to 1:00 so that your head and body are outside of the line of attack.
2. Immediately grab your opponent's right wrist with both of your hands, with your left hand facing you and
your right hand turned away from you.
3. Step forward toward 11:00 with your right foot as you circle opponent's right arm down and clockwise while
striking the club against your opponent's right knee; continue to circling motion around and up and over your head.
4. Retain your grab with your left hand as your right hand grabs outer end of opponent's club.
5. Immediately circle your left foot counter clockwise and further back to 9:00 (into a right neutral bow) as
your right hand forces the club out of your opponent's grasp. Circle your right arm counter clockwise and strike your opponent's
right elbow with the club.
6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 9:00.
CONQUERING SHIELD (front left stiff arm lapel grab)
1. With feet together, simultaneously pin opponent's left arm with your left hand as your right vertical forearm
strikes against opponent's left elbow to break, then glances off the elbow into a right vertical punch to his face (compound
strike), as you execute a right front snapping ball kick to inner knee cap of opponent's right leg. Settle your stance!
2. As you proceed to plant your right foot forward to 11:00 (into a right neutral bow) have your right arm then
strike down with your right downward elbow to opponent's left forearm thus forcing your opponent's head down.
3. With feet firmly planted, deliver a right upward elbow strike under opponent's chin.
4. Follow-up with a right downward heel and claw to opponent's face.
TAMING THE MACE (front step through right punch)
1. With feet together, step to 11:00 with your left foot as your left hand parries (inward) your opponent's
right punch from the outside. Simultaneously deliver a right inward hand sword to inside of opponent's right biceps.
2. Immediately, while your left hand checks and grabs opponent's right hand at the wrist, deliver a right outward
back knuckle to opponent's right temple.
3. Have your right hand grab opponent's right shoulder as your left foot steps back to 4:00 (thus forming a
right front twist stance facing 10:00).
4. With both of your hands grasping opponent, pivot counter clockwise keeping your elbows anchored and arms
close to your torso), bend your knees and slam opponent against the wall.
5. While opponent is against the wall, deliver a right roundhouse knee kick to opponent's groin as you execute
a right inward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's throat. The wall is your backstop and thus the strikes cause a sandwiching
6. Replant your right foot back to 12:00. Left front crossover and cover out twice toward 12:00.
1. With opponent applying full Nelson, have your right foot step to your right (toward 3:00) into a horse stance
and immediately shift into a left close cat as your left foot cats behind and back of opponent's legs toward 7:30.
2. Without any hesitation, squat slightly as both of your arms grab the back of opponent's knees.
3. Utilizing your legs, keeping your posture erect, lift opponent's legs off the ground.
4. Rotate your entire body counter clockwise and smash opponent against a wall, pole, etc. If opponent is too
big and/or heavy, drop him on his back with the possibility of having opponent's head smash down on to the concrete, ground,
CROSS OF DEATH (front two hand cross choke)
1. With opponent cross choking you (with his left hand over his right) and you're facing him, pin his hands
with your left hand (making sure greater pressure is on his left hand) as you step forward with your right foot to 12:00 (into
a right neutral bow) buckling your opponent's right knee from the inside. With this step, deliver a right glancing forearm
strike against opponent's left elbow to break it. Continue this action and end up with a right vertical punch to opponent's
2. Immediately deliver a left uppercut to opponent's stomach as your right arm horizontally pins and checks
both arms of opponent. (Drop into a right forward bow in the process.)
3. Circling your left arm clockwise, follow-up with a left outward hooking parry on top of and outside of opponent's
left elbow followed by a right chopping punch to opponent's left kidney as your left foot shifts to 4:30 (still remaining
in a right neutral bow).
4. Continue the same motion of your right arm and switch the orbit of your right arm by using a right vertical
back knuckle thrust to opponent's left temple.
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 4:30
SECURING THE STORM (front right roundhouse club)
1. With feet together, step in with your left foot to 12:00 (into a left neutral bow) and deliver a left extended
outward to the inside of opponent's right wrist. Simultaneously deliver a right vertical punch to opponent's face.
2. Slide your right foot clockwise to 10:30 (into a left neutral bow facing 4:30) as you deliver a left uppercut
circling over then under opponent's left arm to break the elbow, while your right hand check his right shoulder.
3. Slightly shift your left foot back (toward 10:30), still pinning opponent's left arm, rotate your body counter
clockwise, and quickly circle your right foot clockwise and back of opponent's right leg (to 6:00) into a left forward bow
as you deliver a right heel palm strike to opponent's jaw thus forcing your opponent to the ground.
4. Step back with your right foot toward 7:30; left front crossover and cover out twice toward 7:30.
1. With feet together, hop to your left onto your left foot toward 10:30 and deliver a right knee kick to opponent's
solar plexus. Simultaneously deliver a right inward downward hammer fist to opponent's right kidney.
2. With the momentum forcing you back, drop back with your right foot toward 7:30 into a left neutral bow and
deliver a left inward overhead elbow strike to the upper spine of opponent.
3. From point of origin execute a left downward hammer fist, fitting your pre formed weapon across the upper
left trapezes and deltoids.
4. Execute a left inward claw to the opponent's left hinge of the mandible, secure his chin and anchor the left
elbow across the back of the neck; Immediately slide your left foot counter clockwise to 4:30 and deliver a right inward downward
thrusting forearm (or downward diagonal elbow) opponent's left jaw.
5. Pivot to your left and deliver a right rear scoop kick to opponent's right jaw.
6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 4:30.
KNEEL OF COMPULSION (flank step through right punch)
1. With feet together and facing 12:00, step forward and to your right to 1:30 with your right foot (into a
right neutral bow) as you execute a double parry (left hand followed by your right) outside of opponent's right arm.
2. Step to 2:00 with your left foot as your right hand grabs your opponent's right shoulder. Pivot toward opponent
further and have your left hand grab the back of opponent's left shoulder.
3. Step back (step through reverse) with your right foot to 2:00 into a left neutral bow, anchoring your elbows,
as both of your arms pull your opponent's shoulder back and down thus disturbing your opponent's balance.
4. Follow-up with a right step through knife-edge kick to the back of opponent's left knee thus compelling him
to kneel. Plant your right foot forward toward 7:30 into a right neutral bow.
5. Execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to right side of opponent's neck, simultaneous with a left
inward horizontal heel palm strike thus sandwiching opponent's head.
6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 1:30.
CLIPPING THE STORM (front right thrusting club)
1. Step toward 11:00 with your left foot (left neutral bow), as you deliver a left downward handsword to the
outside of opponent's left forearm, simultaneously cocking your right hand near your right ear.
2. Shift (in place) to a left forward bow as you deliver a right downward handsword to opponent's left wrist.
3. Shift (in place) to a neutral bow as you deliver a left outward handsword (palm down) to opponent's throat.
4. Step forward and back of opponent's right leg with your right foot, transitioning through a cat stance, into
a right neutral bow as you deliver a right heel of palm strike under opponent's chin. (Left hand should be checking near your
right ribs.)
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 7:30.
GLANCING WING (front left uppercut punch)
1. While in a right neutral bow, simultaneously deliver a right inward block outside of opponent's left uppercut
while delivering a left vertical fist to opponent's face.
2. Immediately hook your left hand down and out (clockwise) outside of opponent's left arm as you deliver a
right chopping uppercut punch to opponent's left ribcage.
3. Slide your left foot counter clockwise to 4:00 (into a right neutral bow) as your left hand hooks back of
opponent's neck, thus forcing your opponent down.
4. With Opponent stooping over, deliver a right thrusting diagonal forearm elbow punch to opponent's left jaw.
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 4:00.
THE BACK BREAKER (flank step through right punch)
1. With feet together facing 12:00, step forward and to your right to 1:30 with your right foot as you execute
a double parry (left inward parry followed by your right outward parry) outside of opponent's right arm.
2. Step to 2:00 with your left foot as your right hand grabs your opponent's right shoulder. Pivot clockwise
and have your left hand grab back of opponent's left shoulder.
3. Step back to 2:00 with your right foot into a left neutral bow as you anchor your elbows pulling your opponent's
shoulders back, thus disturbing his balance. Without hesitation deliver a right knee kick to opponent's lower spine.
4. Drop your right foot back to 2:00 into a left neutral bow and increase your two hand pull and force your
opponent onto your left knee, striking his upper spine.
5. Twist opponent's head clockwise breaking opponent's neck with your right hand, followed by a right inward
hand sword to opponent's nose, with a left heel palm strike to the opposite side of the opponent's head (creating a sandwiching
6. While still in place deliver right and left inward two finger hooks to the opponent's eyes.
7. While still in place deliver two (right and left) downward back knuckle strikes respectively (rolling the
back knuckle shrikes up out of the eyes, then down) to left and right collar bones of opponent.
8. Just prior to stepping back with your left foot, execute two heel palm claws to opponent's face.
9. Slide your left foot back to 2:00 (into a left reverse close kneel) as you force your opponent's head to
the ground.
10. Pivot (in place) toward 2:00 utilizing the momentum in striking opponent's right jaw hinge with your right
side of heel (heel of the foot).
11. Follow-up with a right heel stomp to opponent's right collar bone.
12. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 2