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Thunder & Lightning (Inside Defense - Left Punch)

1. Step your left foot back into a RNB while executing a right inward block to the attacker's left arm, the block is at or above the elbow. The left hand is checking is high. (Left inward parry with the base of the palm close to the base of the right bicep.)

2. Step drag forward into a right lunge stance (your left knee checking attacker's left knee). Simutaneously, using a c.o.c.k.ed. right backfist for penetration, strike the attacker's ribs . Left hand waiter parry with anchored elbows on attacker's left arm.

3.  Follow through with the backfist and shifting (pivoting) into a left lunge stance (right knee checking)- Left hand still checking. Execute a downward handsword to the back of attacker's neck.

Escaping Ram ( Rear Bear Hug Escape Arms Pinned)

1. Arch back and headbutt the attacker's face using the back of your head.

2. Quickly thrust your hips back using a Butt Bunk, as your arms shoot out at a 45 degree.

3. Depending on where he moves after the Butt Bunk, make a foot adjustment while looking   right shoulder and execute a right thrusing back kick to the attacker's solar plexus.over right shoulder and execute a right thrusing back kick to the attacker's solar plexus.

Returning Serpent (Inside Defense -Straight Punch)

1. Step back into a RNB while executing a right inward block. Immediately followed by a looping back-fist to the attacker's right temple.

2. Shift/pivot into right lunge stance and execute a left vertical punch to the ribs. The right fist goes by your left temple as a check.

3. Pivot again into a RNB and execute another right back-fist to the face.

Thrusting Release (Bear Hug Escape Arms Pinned)

1. Execute a head-butt to the attacker's nose with your forehead.

2. Drop slightly in your stance while executing a knee strike to the attacker's groin.

3. Shoot a heel-palm with both hands to the lower floating ribs while stepping back with the right foot into a left lunge stance. (Do not settle into the lunge stance &endash; immediately lunge into the next part.)

4. Step through into a right thrusting ball kick to the attacker's stomach or solar plexus.

Deflecting Hammer (Inside Defense - Right Ball Kick)

1. Step back to about 5:00 into a left lunge stance while executing a left downward block to the attacker's right kick.

2. Immediately step through, executing a right ball kick to the attacker's groin before the attacker puts his right foot down. The left hand checking.

3. As the attacker's head comes down, execute a right elbow/forearm strike to the attacker's left temple while checking your ribs (on the right side) with your left hand.

Beheading The Dragon (Outside Defense - Left Straight Punch)

1. Step your left foot back into a RNB while executing a right inward block to the attacker's left arm, the block is at or above the elbow.

2. Step drag forward into a right lunge stance (your left knee checking attacker's left knee). Simutaneously, using a c.o.c.k.ed. right backfist for penetration, strike the attacker's ribs . Left hand waiter parry with anchored elbows on attacker's left arm.

3. Follow through with the backfist and shifting (pivoting) into a left lunge stance (right knee checking)- Left hand still checking. Execute a downward handsword to the back of attacker's neck.